Sunday 18 April 2010

hospitals and slippers

That's it then! It's official I'm a chav! A chav is someone who goes shopping in pyjamas and slippers with hair and make up in place , long dangly earings and loads of bling. Well forget about the pyjamas and it will be a while before I can wear earrings again, and the hair and make up may not have been that great I wasn't ahopping either. but I'll tell you about being at large in my slippers last week and its long and wary tale.

No let's cut a long story short. I did a Van Gogh on my ear by falling against the washbasin. (very heavily)All this time I have felt sorry for V,.G.(Van Gogh) but believe me it doesn't hurt a bit when you sever a flap of earlobe.( it only lookasawful. I wasn't going to tell Mlh but it started to drip blood slowly and ominously so he had a klook. 'Oh my God!; he exclaimed. You'll have to go to hospital. Do you want me to take a photograph of it? Once we had ascertained that I didn't want to look at a photograph of that or anything else. he whisked me off to hospital brushing aside my desire to change into or a pair of shoes with dire warnings of amputation of the flap and threats of plastic surgery, . In the event all that happened was that it was glued together by a lovely sympathetic nurse and our much-planned weekend seeing my daughter's new house went ahead thank goodness, I also managed to avoid a tetanus jab by explaining the damage the flu jab did. The dox agreed immediately with me that it the jab could be harmful and released me without further ado or orperhaps they just wanted me to go tetanus jab or no,.

I had a super weekend and have now booked a holiday with my daughter (a cross between a Caribbean cruise and a luxury reapitw break!)

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Golf and physiotherapy

Hello again

\i'm feeling encouraged as I attempt ever more dariing feats of prowess. I can now swing both legs out of the bath without assistance! and I walk around the house as often as my jailer permits, I saw the neurologist last week who confirms that the flu jab probably caused my problems. He reassured Mlh that he (the neurologist)also would also have encouraged me to have the jab adding 'but don't ever have it again! Funnily enough I had come to that conclusion

The day after we were out and about againWe went out to the Croquet Club dinner which was held in Eaglescliffe Golf C;lub. I don't know what I was expecting but the ambience was old-fashioned and faded instead of trendy and exclusive as I had imagined. Golf used to be very popular when it was aspirational to belong to a club, and every golf club had long waiting lists. It was then discovered that each club had the same hopefuls on its list. I agree with Mlh that croquet is a far more interesting game but we don't have the television coverage and facilitiiis of golf clubs (bar, xomfy chairs, food to buy'etc An admission of being a croquet player elicits the reaction 'isn't thhat something to do with Alice in Wonderland ho ho ' We have been in the local paper a few times always under a quirky headline auch as 'Cock a Hoop!'. No one takes croquet seriously and it is such a skilful game conbining the motor skills of snooker qith the intellecrtual difficulties of chess.

As we don't often go out for a posh 'do', I put a lot of effort and hought into make up hair and wardeobe and I asked Mlh for once o get some beads out of my drawer for me. I used to wear jewelry all the time before the lack of space on my front caused bythe necessity to sport headphones, glasses cords and walky talkys. Mlh just grabbed the first ones he saw and said 'it doesn't matter which ones does it' Doesn't matter???!!!***???

This week, Mlh has enlisted the help of a sixth former who lives over the road to help carry his equipment which he finds a bit heavy now he is of an advanced age (he is older than me) Co-in identally someone round the corner sells safety shoes and hard hats, which he needs for his new recruit,
She also has daughters, so this prompted a discussion with Mlh on the pros and cons of having many daughters. She was able to pull rank having 4 where he only has 3, but he kept his trump card( a son) under wraps for the next time he needs a bit of equipment.) He then took took his new helper to be inducted.. Yes I know, the word induced but hey we are talking engineer-
speak here,

At the hospital where we went this morning, Mlh has a coffee in the canteen while I am e'xercisin A few weeks ago confessed to having a kitat too. Today he said he was going to have a sausage sandwich and I thought instead of but it was revealed later that it was as well as.
We watched bits of the budget when we got home which prompted me to order some half price Australan shiraz for a bridge and dinner paty on Sunday as I noticed that the price of wine was goiing to go up,

Tuesday 16 March 2010


Hallo I'm back again!

In my absence have been writing a commercial sort story. All revious submissions have failed and I wanted to have another go. 'Oho' I thought finishing the story with a flourish, I'll write loads more stories instead of blogging. Net result – no stories and no blog. I have been spending the time knitting wristwarmers, playing scrabble and generally lying fallow.

Forced into action again by the flattering comments of Mls-d3 (the youngest of Mlh's 3 daughters), I suspect she wants to keep an eye on what her father is up to!

What has happened in our life? Mlh has had bad toothache, Not quite the correct behaviour for carers who should be hale and hearty at all times.. In any event the toothache turned out to be in the category of man flu as it has gone away without intervention.

This is a wonderful outcome as late Friday night Mlh was so distraught that he actually rang NHS Direct, something he vowed never to do again after his experience of ringing them on my behalf. On that occasion, he didn't want to trouble the out-of-hours doctor.. He gave the same details to three assorted people , the third of whom recommended that he ring a late-night pharmacist which he then did. He was advised by Ame to see a doctor!

Meanwhile back in Mlh's mouth, the problem appears to have been caused by an abscess created by some drilling. Just a storm in a teacup or an extinct abscess in a mouth.

But, back to me (carers don't get much coverage). I must tell you about an exciting little incident which would have been quiite scary except it was so quiick and painless., As you know Mlh leaves me on the drive while he goes and opens the front door and takes in any shopping , turns of the burglar alarm, makes a cup of coffee, puts his feet up and reads the poat. (No he doesn't really, it just seems that long)Thinking I would save him fthe trouble of having to come back for me I started to wheel myself up the ramp that leads to our house. It gets quite steep, so I was having to push very hard to make any progress. Anyway suddenly the chair tipped over completely causing me to fall backwards with my feet in the air. I didn't even have time to see my life flash before me.

'What did you do that for?' Mlh inquired accusingly on reappearing out of the house, and seeing me lying on the ground. You must know I've taken the stabilisers off! (I didn't)

Tuesday 16 February 2010

A typical weekend chez nous

I go downstairs making sure that all my batteries are left charging.(phone. tothbush, bathseat smetimes I feel I should be added to that list.

Downstairs we start the day bwith a cable problem. 'Ole Eagle eyes (with apologies to ole blue eyes) has spotted grievous misuse of cables, 'You mever observe the proper procedures' he chides fussily. Well I'e never lived my life e according to procedures. When you work on a chemical plant (as he used to) failure to follow procedures can lead to drastic results. However, when you have frequented television studios, publishing offices and even classrooms , a more flexible approach is needed.. Everything we have seems to be connected by cable to something else., and plugged in. (except the battery operated gadgets)

'I'm going to be busy with bridge club and croquet club accoubts' he says gazing intently at his computer screen fom which emanates raucous laughter accompanying the latest joke from one of our friends at the bridge club. 'Do you want to hear it? ' he says 'not really' I say having deleted it already from my machine along with the other 10 a day we receive.Mlh igores me and reads it out between guffaws..

The rest of the day is spent at my usuaal sedentary pursuits which are very enjoyable, As I read Elizabeth Gaskell, it strikes me that my life is not really much different from the wife of a lady of leisure in the 19th century. She would spend her life reading improving literature (pot boilers) doing embroidery(knitting wrist warmers), and instructing cook (instrucying nlh)and joining the men for cards (playing sloite and malice with mlh)t was the man's job to go out and earn the money and the servant's job to do the chores, leaving her very little else to so but amuse herself. 'the husband has got all that dirty work to do and his wife sits in the dawing room.'

Thursday 11 February 2010

fruit, fundraising and assault


Came back from my gruelling ohysio session to find what looked like an affray on the drive On closer inspection, it was seen that the group consisted of 2 assorted postladies aand an unidentified man. The ladies were vying for mlt's attention (he does cultivate them). The man watched this scenario without emotion but the mood hanged abruptly as they left and he revealed that he was a police inspector and was investigating a sexual assault which was alleged to have taken place on our drive the previous night.between two cars, As it was quickly established that we have only one the policeman lost interest in us and cleared off (in a northerly direction). We were surprised that we had heard nothing ( a suprise tinged with disappointment on mh's side,

I heard some disturbing news from our local ms centre, The man who has been employed for the last 3 years to raise much needed funds has been told to leave as he was not raising sponsorship but still accepting his enormous salary.,(in short we were runnung him at a loss!) He says that he has been dismissed unfairly and has employed a solicitor to get as much money as possible out of the centre We haven't got much but would have had more if he had done his job properly!

Went into kitchen for lunch. I always like to have an orange before lunch. I have forced myself to do this as I don't like fruit very much but find I can face a piece at this time, In fact I positively crave one.It has taken a lomg time ro get to this pitch, whereas it took no time at all to train myself to want a cream biscuit at 3 p.m. with my cup of tea.And even less time to want a Belgian choc (or two) after my evening meal.

I thought that the avocado would have reached the right degree of softness to be edible. 'How is ithe avocado feeling?' I asked. Mlt. looked a bit taken back as though I were posing the same question with which interviewers seem to bombard victims of tragedy.

Sunday 7 February 2010

knitting again!

Very good news. I inished the helmet. Knitting again was extremely therapeutic and it is a good foil for reading, tellyand scrabble.
I had a very good pjysio session and massage. Massage does not cure ms but it certainly relieves the symptoms,
Mlh bought me yesterday a super knitting pattern for a child's helmet and lovely colourful wool, but more important the tidings of the approval of said child (the walking adviser). It's been quite a while since I knitted because of not seeing properly and so it took me time to get going particularly since I started on the wrong pattern. It Took me three goes to make the first (very) small earflap !

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Being older makes me more patient with little ones, and being a bit disabled a sitting target. I'm now quite happy to let the child lead the play, and use its imagination, something I never allowed mld to do. And she is a leader so it resulted in a lot of conflict. Child-led p;lay and reading 7 chapters of the Worst Witch was a lot more tiring than scrabble but very nice. Mlg (my lovely granddaughter ) when told that I could not walk very well said to me encouragingly, It's easy - you just put one leg in front of the other.

I was back at tHe scrabble club in the morning. Did not do quite so well as usual at bridge in the evening. Must be tired after scrabble. Tired after scrabble???
My right leg does not go stuff any more so I am decreasing the baclofen (and hoping not to nap so much. (What's mlh's excuse?).

Walked into the sunny conservatory with Sunday papers and basked in the sun reading them.